AEM Development Basics: Mastering Adobe Experience Manager Development


Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a powerful web content management system that enables organizations to deliver exceptional digital experiences. To become proficient in AEM development, it is crucial to understand the basics. In this article, we will explore the fundamental concepts of AEM development and guide you through each aspect of building and customizing AEM applications.

Introduction to Adobe Experience Manager

AEM serves as a comprehensive solution for managing web content, enabling seamless content authoring, management, and delivery across multiple channels. It empowers businesses to create personalized experiences that drive customer engagement and loyalty. With AEM, organizations can efficiently handle complex content structures and leverage advanced features such as personalization and multilingual support.

AEM Development Environment Setup

Before diving into AEM development, it’s essential to set up your development environment properly. This section will walk you through the installation and configuration process, ensuring you have the necessary tools to start building AEM applications. We will cover setting up AEM as a Cloud Service, on-premises deployment, configuring development tools, and integrating version control for collaborative development.

AEM Architecture

AEM follows a modular and scalable architecture that enables efficient development and management of web content. Understanding the key components and layers of AEM’s architecture is crucial for building robust applications. Let’s delve deeper into the various aspects of AEM’s architecture:

Presentation Layer

The presentation layer in AEM is responsible for rendering the user interface and delivering content to different channels. AEM utilizes a powerful templating language called Sightly/HTL (HTML Template Language) for separating the presentation logic from the content. Sightly/HTL provides a secure and efficient way to build dynamic web pages, ensuring a clean separation between HTML structure and server-side logic.

Business Logic Layer

The business logic layer in AEM handles the application’s core functionalities and workflows. It consists of several key components:

  • Apache Sling: A lightweight web framework based on REST principles, Apache Sling acts as the backbone of AEM’s request processing and resource resolution. It maps URLs to content nodes, enabling developers to retrieve and manipulate content through standardized APIs.
  • Java Content Repository (JCR): AEM uses a hierarchical data storage system based on the JCR standard. JCR provides a content repository for storing and managing structured content. AEM’s implementation of JCR is called CRX (Content Repository Extreme), which offers powerful querying, versioning, and access control capabilities.
  • CRX Repository: The CRX repository is the underlying storage system that holds all content, assets, and configurations in AEM. It provides a secure and scalable environment for content storage and retrieval. Developers can interact with the CRX repository using APIs and query languages like SQL2 or XPath.

Data Storage Layer

AEM stores content and assets in a hierarchical structure within the CRX repository. The repository follows a node-based data model, where each node represents a content item or a folder. The nodes can have properties, such as metadata or custom attributes, associated with them. AEM leverages the power of JCR to provide efficient querying and indexing mechanisms, allowing fast and reliable access to content.

In addition to the core components mentioned above, AEM architecture also includes various supporting technologies and frameworks:

  • OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative): AEM is built on the OSGi framework, which provides a modular and dynamic environment for managing Java-based services. OSGi allows developers to build and deploy loosely coupled modules, known as bundles, that can be dynamically installed, updated, or removed without disrupting the running system.
  • Apache Felix: Apache Felix is the OSGi container used in AEM. It manages the lifecycle of OSGi bundles, ensuring their proper initialization, activation, and coordination.
  • Dispatcher: The Dispatcher is a caching and load balancing component that sits in front of the AEM instance. It improves the performance and scalability of AEM applications by caching static content and offloading request handling to multiple AEM instances.

Understanding the architecture of AEM is crucial for designing and developing scalable and maintainable applications. By leveraging the power of Apache Sling, JCR, and the CRX repository, developers can create dynamic and personalized experiences while maintaining a modular and extensible codebase.

AEM Projects and Structure

In AEM, projects serve as containers for organizing and managing your application development efforts. This section will guide you through setting up AEM projects and structuring them effectively. We will cover project creation, organization, and introduce the concept of Maven-based configuration. You will also learn about using build tools like Gradle or Apache Maven to streamline your development workflow.

AEM Components and Templates

AEM components and templates are fundamental building blocks that allow developers to create modular and reusable content structures within AEM. Let’s explore these concepts in more detail:


Components in AEM represent reusable and self-contained units of functionality or content. They encapsulate both the presentation and logic required to render specific content or perform specific actions. Here are some key aspects of AEM components:

  • Component Structure: AEM components are typically organized into a hierarchical structure within the AEM project. Each component consists of a component folder containing files such as the component’s HTML template, client-side JavaScript, and CSS styling.
  • Component Dialogs: Component dialogs provide a user interface for content authors to configure and customize component instances. Authors can define dialog fields, such as text inputs, dropdowns, or image selectors, to control the component’s behavior and appearance.
  • Sightly/HTL Templating: AEM uses the Sightly/HTL (HTML Template Language) templating language to render components. Sightly/HTL provides a secure and efficient way to separate the presentation logic from the content. Developers can write HTML-like templates enriched with dynamic expressions and logic to render content dynamically.
  • Component APIs: Components can expose APIs that allow other components or templates to interact with them. APIs provide a standardized way to pass data and trigger actions between components, enhancing flexibility and reusability.
  • Inheritance and Overrides: AEM supports component inheritance, allowing developers to create derived components that inherit functionality and appearance from a base component. Derived components can override or extend the behavior of the base component, providing a way to reuse and customize existing components.


Templates in AEM define the structure and initial content of pages. They provide a blueprint for creating consistent pages across a website or application. Here’s what you need to know about AEM templates:

  • Page Structure and Components: AEM templates define the structure of a page by specifying the allowed components and their placement within different sections or placeholders. Authors can create pages based on templates and populate them with the specified components.
  • Editable Templates: AEM supports editable templates, which provide authors with more flexibility in modifying the structure and content of individual pages. Editable templates allow authors to rearrange or add components directly on a page while maintaining the underlying template structure.
  • Policy Configuration: Templates can define policies that control the behavior and appearance of components within pages. Policies allow authors to configure component properties, restrictions, and defaults, ensuring consistency and enforcing guidelines across pages.
  • Template Language: AEM templates can be authored using either Sightly/HTL or JSP (JavaServer Pages) scripting languages. Sightly/HTL is the recommended templating language due to its simplicity, security, and integration with AEM’s component model.
  • Content Inheritance: Templates can establish content inheritance, allowing child pages to inherit content from their parent pages. Inherited content ensures consistency and reduces duplication across pages.

Understanding the power and flexibility of AEM components and templates enables developers to build dynamic and reusable content structures. By leveraging the component model, Sightly/HTL templating, and the flexibility of editable templates, developers can create scalable and customizable AEM applications.

AEM Content Management

Efficient content management is a critical aspect of AEM development. AEM provides robust tools and features that enable authors to create, organize, and manage content effectively. Let’s delve deeper into the various aspects of AEM content management:

Content Authoring

AEM offers a user-friendly and intuitive authoring interface, known as the Touch-Optimized UI or the Classic UI. Authors can create and edit content using a WYSIWYG editor, allowing them to see the final appearance of the content while authoring. Key features of AEM’s content authoring capabilities include:

  • Rich Text Editing: AEM provides a powerful rich text editor that enables authors to format content with various text styles, lists, tables, and media embedding. Authors can create engaging content without the need for extensive coding.
  • Content Fragments: Content Fragments in AEM allow authors to create and manage structured content that can be reused across multiple pages. Content Fragments provide a flexible and centralized way to maintain consistent content across the website.
  • Experience Fragments: Experience Fragments are reusable components that encapsulate complete experiences, including components, content, and layouts. Authors can create and manage Experience Fragments to build consistent experiences across channels.

Asset Management

AEM offers robust Digital Asset Management (DAM) capabilities, allowing authors to efficiently manage and organize digital assets such as images, videos, documents, and more. Key features of AEM’s asset management capabilities include:

  • Asset Ingestion and Metadata: AEM provides a streamlined process for ingesting assets into the DAM. Authors can add metadata, such as titles, descriptions, tags, and copyright information, to assets for easy discovery and management.
  • Asset Search and Filters: AEM’s DAM includes powerful search and filtering capabilities, enabling authors to quickly find and access assets based on various criteria such as metadata, tags, or asset properties.
  • Dynamic Media Support: AEM seamlessly integrates with Adobe Dynamic Media, allowing authors to deliver dynamic and responsive media experiences. Authors can manipulate and transform assets on-the-fly, providing optimized versions for different devices and resolutions.
  • Asset Versioning and Collaboration: AEM’s DAM supports versioning and collaboration features, enabling authors to track changes to assets over time and collaborate effectively. Authors can access and revert to previous versions of assets, ensuring content integrity.

Content Organization

AEM provides robust features for organizing and structuring content within the repository. This helps authors maintain a logical and consistent content hierarchy. Key features for content organization include:

  • Pages and Page Hierarchies: Authors can create and organize content using pages and page hierarchies. Pages serve as containers for content and can be organized into a hierarchical structure, reflecting the website’s information architecture.
  • Content Tags and Categories: AEM supports content tagging and categorization, allowing authors to classify content based on keywords or categories. Tags provide a flexible way to group related content and improve searchability.
  • Metadata and Custom Attributes: AEM allows authors to define and utilize custom metadata fields and attributes for content. Custom metadata provides additional context and information about content items, aiding in search and organization.

Content Workflow

AEM’s workflow capabilities enable authors to define and manage content approval and publication processes. Workflows automate the review, approval, and publishing of content, ensuring proper governance and content lifecycle management. Key aspects of AEM’s content workflow capabilities include:

  • Workflow Models: Authors can create workflow models using a visual editor, defining the steps and participants involved in the content approval process. Workflow models provide a visual representation of the workflow and its stages.
  • Content Review and Approval: Authors can initiate content review and approval processes, assigning tasks to specific users or groups. Approvers can review content, provide feedback, and approve or reject it based on defined criteria.
  • Content Publication: AEM workflows facilitate the automated publishing of approved content to different environments or channels. Authors can schedule content publication or trigger it manually, ensuring timely and accurate content updates.

Understanding AEM’s robust content management capabilities empowers authors to create, organize, and publish content efficiently. By leveraging AEM’s content authoring tools, asset management features, content organization capabilities, and content workflows, authors can streamline content creation and management processes, resulting in engaging and dynamic digital experiences.

AEM Workflows

AEM workflows facilitate content approval, publication, and translation processes. In this section, we will delve into configuring workflows in AEM. You will learn how to set up workflow models, define workflow steps, and customize workflows to suit your organization’s specific requirements. By harnessing the power of workflows, you can streamline content governance and ensure efficient collaboration among content contributors.

AEM Services and Servlets

AEM provides a robust platform for developing custom services and servlets to implement server-side logic. This section focuses on creating OSGi bundles, developing custom services, and implementing Sling Servlets. We will also explore integration with external systems using RESTful APIs. By harnessing AEM’s extensibility, you can enhance your applications with custom functionality and seamlessly integrate with external services.

AEM Front-End Development

Front-end development is an integral part of building engaging user interfaces in AEM. This section will guide you through the front-end workflow, covering areas such as templating with Sightly/HTL, styling with CSS, and adding client-side scripting. We will also explore the integration of front-end frameworks like Angular or React with AEM. By mastering front-end development, you can create visually stunning and interactive experiences within your AEM applications.

AEM Integration with External Systems

AEM’s capability to integrate with external systems expands its functionality and enables seamless data exchange. This section focuses on connecting AEM with various external systems such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Digital Asset Management (DAM), and eCommerce platforms. We will also discuss implementing Adobe Campaign integration and enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) with external identity providers.

AEM Testing and Debugging

To ensure the quality and performance of your AEM applications, testing and debugging play a vital role. This section covers strategies and tools for testing AEM components, workflows, and APIs. We will explore unit testing frameworks, debugging techniques, and performance optimization strategies. By following best practices for testing and debugging, you can identify and resolve issues early in the development lifecycle.

AEM Deployment and Continuous Integration

Efficient deployment and continuous integration are crucial for successful AEM projects. This section focuses on packaging and deploying AEM applications to various environments. We will explore different deployment targets, CI/CD strategies, and version control integration. By implementing robust deployment and continuous integration processes, you can ensure smooth delivery and updates of your AEM applications.

Best Practices for AEM Development

To excel in AEM development, it’s essential to follow best practices. This section highlights key considerations such as security, performance optimization, code organization, and documentation. We will provide insights into implementing secure coding practices, optimizing AEM application performance, and organizing your codebase for maintainability. By adhering to best practices, you can enhance the quality and longevity of your AEM projects.


In conclusion, mastering the basics of AEM development is essential for building exceptional digital experiences. Throughout this article, we have covered the core concepts of AEM development, from setting up your development environment to integrating with external systems. By understanding AEM’s architecture, developing reusable components, and following best practices, you can create powerful and scalable applications. Remember to leverage the AEM community and resources to further expand your knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in AEM development.

Denis Kovalev

I'm Denis Kovalev, an AEM developer and author with over 10 years of experience. My expertise lies in Java development and web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I've authored several articles on AEM development and am passionate about delivering high-quality solutions that exceed my clients' expectations.

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