How to Read Multifield Values in AEM Sightly


Are you struggling to retrieve and display multifield values in your Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Sightly components? Multifields are a powerful feature in AEM that allow authors to create complex content structures, but working with them can be a bit tricky. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of multifield values and explore various techniques to read and render them effectively in your Sightly components.


AEM Sightly is a powerful templating language that simplifies the development of components and provides a clean and concise syntax for working with content. When dealing with multifield values, however, developers often face challenges in accessing and rendering the data correctly. This article aims to demystify the process by providing a step-by-step guide and best practices for working with multifield values in Sightly.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the structure and hierarchy of multifield values in AEM.
  • Learn how to access and iterate over multifield values using Sightly’s data-sly-list command.
  • Explore techniques for rendering nested multifield structures.
  • Discover ways to handle empty or missing multifield values.
  • Implement best practices for efficient and maintainable code.

Understanding Multifield Values

Before we dive into the specifics of reading multifield values in Sightly, it’s essential to understand what multifields are and how they are structured in AEM. A multifield is a content type that allows authors to create complex, nested data structures within a single field. These structures can contain multiple items, each with its own set of properties or subfields.

Multifields are often used to create repeatable content patterns, such as lists of products, testimonials, or image galleries. They provide flexibility and allow authors to create rich and dynamic content experiences without the need for extensive coding.

Accessing Multifield Values in Sightly

In Sightly, accessing multifield values is achieved through the data-sly-list command. This command allows you to iterate over the items within a multifield and access their properties or subfields. Here’s a basic example:

<div data-sly-list.item="${properties.myMultifield}">

In this example, we’re iterating over the items in the myMultifield multifield using the data-sly-list.item syntax. For each item, we’re rendering a paragraph element with the value of the text property.

Rendering Nested Multifield Structures

Multifields can contain nested structures, where each item in the multifield is itself a complex object with its own properties and subfields. To render these nested structures, you’ll need to use nested data-sly-list commands. Here’s an example:

<ul data-sly-list.parent="${properties.parentMultifield}">
        <ul data-sly-list.child="${parent.childMultifield}">

In this example, we’re rendering a nested list structure. The outer list iterates over the items in the parentMultifield, while the inner list iterates over the items in the childMultifield for each parent item. This allows you to render complex, hierarchical content structures with ease.

Handling Empty or Missing Multifield Values

It’s important to handle scenarios where multifield values are empty or missing. This can happen when authors haven’t populated the multifield or when certain conditions are met. Sightly provides several options for dealing with these situations, including the data-sly-test command and the use of default values.

<div data-sly-test="${properties.myMultifield && properties.myMultifield.size > 0}">
    <div data-sly-list.item="${properties.myMultifield}">
        <p>${item.text || 'Default text'}</p>
<div data-sly-test="${!properties.myMultifield || properties.myMultifield.size == 0}">
    <p>No multifield values found.</p>

In this example, we’re using the data-sly-test command to check if the myMultifield multifield exists and has at least one item. If it does, we iterate over the items and render them. If the multifield is empty or missing, we display a message indicating that no multifield values were found.

Additionally, we’re using the || operator to provide a default value (‘Default text’) in case the text property of an item is empty or missing.

Best Practices

When working with multifield values in Sightly, it’s important to follow best practices to ensure efficient and maintainable code. Here are some recommendations:

  • Use descriptive variable names: Choose variable names that clearly communicate the purpose and content of the multifield values.
  • Modularize your code: Break down your Sightly templates into reusable components to improve code organization and maintainability.
  • Leverage HTL (HTML Template Language): HTL is a powerful extension of Sightly that provides additional features and syntax for working with multifield values and other AEM components.
  • Optimize performance: Be mindful of performance implications when working with large or complex multifield structures. Consider techniques like lazy loading or pagination to improve performance.


Reading and rendering multifield values in AEM Sightly can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques and best practices, you can unlock the full potential of this powerful feature. By understanding the structure of multifield values, leveraging the data-sly-list command, handling nested structures, and implementing proper error handling, you can create dynamic and engaging content experiences for your AEM projects.

Remember, mastering multifield values in Sightly is an ongoing journey. Stay up-to-date with the latest AEM and Sightly developments, and don’t hesitate to explore additional resources and documentation to further enhance your skills. Happy coding!

Denis Kovalev

I'm Denis Kovalev, an AEM developer and author with over 10 years of experience. My expertise lies in Java development and web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I've authored several articles on AEM development and am passionate about delivering high-quality solutions that exceed my clients' expectations.

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