Unraveling AEM Servlets: Powering Interactivity in Digital Experiences

In the digital landscape, delivering dynamic and personalized experiences is key to engaging users. At the heart of this dynamism in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) are Servlets. AEM Servlets are server-side programs that handle client requests, execute operations, and deliver responses. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of AEM servlets and understand their critical role in shaping digital experiences.

Key Takeaways

  • AEM Servlets, as server-side programs, manage client requests and deliver responses.
  • They are key enablers of dynamic content generation and interactivity in AEM.
  • Servlets can be registered via a variety of methods, including resource type, path, and selectors.
  • They can cater to an array of HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.
  • While AEM provides a wealth of built-in servlets, developers may also create custom servlets for bespoke requirements.

A Closer Look at AEM Servlets

At their core, servlets in AEM are essentially Java programs that operate on the server-side, receiving requests from the client side, performing operations—such as fetching data, processing forms—and returning a response to the client.

The Importance of Servlets

Servlets are crucial components in an AEM application due to their ability to generate dynamic content and facilitate interactivity. By allowing AEM to respond flexibly to user inputs and actions, servlets contribute to a more engaging, personalized user experience. They bridge the gap between static content and users, facilitating real-time, responsive interactions.

Registration of Servlets in AEM

In AEM, servlets don’t just exist; they need to be registered to become active. Servlet registration is the process of mapping a servlet to a particular request URL or pattern. There are three primary ways to register servlets in AEM:

  1. By Path: Here, the servlet is mapped to a specific path in the AEM repository. Any request to this path will trigger the servlet.
  2. By Resource Type: In this method, the servlet is associated with a specific resource type. When a request is made to a resource of this type, the servlet is activated.
  3. By Selectors: This registration method means the servlet is triggered when a specific selector is present in the URL. Selectors offer a way to add variations to a particular resource request.

Handling of HTTP Methods by Servlets

AEM Servlets are equipped to handle various HTTP methods, which are essentially the types of requests made by a client to a server. This ability allows them to respond appropriately to different actions from the client’s side. These HTTP methods include:

  • GET: This method fetches data from the server. It’s the method browsers use when a user types a URL into the address bar.
  • POST: This method sends data to the server for processing, often used when submitting forms.
  • PUT: This method updates existing data on the server. It’s commonly used in RESTful APIs.
  • DELETE: As the name suggests, this method removes data from the server.

Built-In Servlets in AEM

AEM comes with a wide variety of built-in servlets designed to handle common tasks. These servlets provide ready-to-use solutions for tasks like processing forms, rendering content, fetching data, and more. These inbuilt servlets streamline development by reducing the need for custom code for common functionalities.

Creating Custom Servlets

While the built-in servlets cover a wide array of common scenarios, there might still be instances where you need a servlet to perform a specific, unique function. AEM caters to this requirement by allowing the creation of custom servlets. These servlets can be tailored to handle unique tasks and can be registered via path, resource type, or selectors, just like the built-in ones.


AEM Servlets are potent tools that empower developers to create dynamic, interactive, and personalized digital experiences. With a deeper understanding and effective utilization of servlets, the functionality and user experience of your AEM applications can be significantly enhanced. Remember, the potential of servlets is limited only by your imagination and understanding, so keep exploring and learning!

Denis Kovalev

I'm Denis Kovalev, an AEM developer and author with over 10 years of experience. My expertise lies in Java development and web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I've authored several articles on AEM development and am passionate about delivering high-quality solutions that exceed my clients' expectations.

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